Krakow: 19th-20th May 2023

WHERE IS KRAKOW? Krakow is a city in southern Poland

WHAT LANGUAGES  ARE SPOKEN THERE AND WHAT'S THE CURRENCY? The official language is Polish and the Polish zloty is the currency.

3 INTERESTING FACTS: 1) Krakow was once Poland's capital city. 2) The city was the first world heritate site to be declared by UNESCO. 3) The city has the largest student population in Poland. 


The city's main square, Rynek Glowny
It's all about cafe culture!

HOW TO GET THERE? I managed to get a direct flight from London Gatwick Airport to Krakow. The airport is quite small and outside you'll find taxis ready to whizz you and buses to your destination. However, there's also a direct train from the airport's station to Galeria Krakowska, a shopping centre that's just a 10 minute walk from the city centre so this is a very 'easy' trip to do. 

WHAT DID I DO AND WHAT DID I THINK? To be honest, I'd booked this trip so that I could say I'd been to POland because that's what I do! I'm a tick box traveller. My flight there arrived mid evening and my flight home was booked for the following afternoon but I wish I'd stayed there for a whole weekend. It's a city packed with charm, quirkiness, history and the loveliest people. 

Krakow is such a compact city that you can comprehensively cover with no problems at all - even me whilst on crutches! The main square is Rynek Glowny and it's lined by restaurant, cafes and the most beautiful buildings whilst you'll find the 16th century Cloth Hall and other gothic buildings. When I was there having brunch, some singers in traditional Polish costumes entertaining the crowd and this was made even more beautiful by the continuous flow of horsedrawn carriages roaming by. Around the city, especially just to the north, you'll find all kinds of quirky attractions. I visited the Museum of Torture that had all manner of medieval tools and was just around the corner from Lost Souls Alley but you'll find the Be Happy Museum just a stone throw away so there really is something for everyone. Out of the city, you'll find Krakow Observation Balloon though this is very weather dependent and wasn't operating on the day I visited even though it didn't appear that windy. Somewhere that a waitress was telling me about was Krakow Salt Mines where you can take a 2.5 hour guide. And then there's the castle... and so much more. But what I loved was the people with everyone being so lovely and welcoming but also how this medieval city is mostly encased in a park.

Would I go again? Oh yes! I also loved Budapest earlier in the month and this has also made it to my list of places to return to.