It started with looking at the departure board!

More on the 'About Sarah' page but, essentially, I just jumped on a plane 3 hours of deciding to go somewhere!

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Denmark and Sweden

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November 2022

The month I turned 50...and the month when it dawned on me that perhaps I could aim to visit 25 new countries before my next birthday

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From the Shard, London

December 2022

Discovering winter sun for the first time ever, these trips were SO good for my mental health! Each was a day trip (taking the last flight from Gatwick and the last flight back) but I've got winter 2023/24 sunsoaked holiday already booked.

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January 2023

Whether a rather damp Rome or walks along the beautifully warm beach in Funchal, Madeira, January trips were a great way to start the year. 

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Italy and the Vatican City

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February 2023

The first destination that would take a bit more planning than usual but I'm a Formula 1 fan so of course Monaco would make my list.

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March 2023

4 (almost 5) countries in a month but these extremely quick trips were perfect to break up my busy month working. Work hard? Play hard!

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San Marino

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Switzerland...and almost Liechtenstein! 

April 2023

With torrential weather, I didn't really see Prague but I didn't want waste my time so I thought I'd catch a train to Bratislava in Slovakia. 

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Czech Republic and Slovakia - just the stations!

May 2023

Whilst time on crutches meant having to postpone my trip to Slovenia, I discovered 2 truly amazing destinations which I'd love to return to time and time again

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...and countries / islands that I'd already visited prior to this list (in addition to the UK) include Republic of Ireland, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Greece, Cyprus, Iceland, Norway, Gibraltar, US (quite a few states), Canada, Hong Kong, Macau ...and, very briefly indeed, India.